Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, Tuesday.....

Ok ok I admit it I do not like Mondays, my "week" starts Tuesday - its muddle through time until then. Not sure where this comes from, don't remember always disliking Mondays but anyway moving on as they say.... Now Tuesday is a nicer day - have had twenty-four hours to break myself into the week so things tick by that much better. The coffee in the morning helps but trying to cut down - well its usually a double capp so maybe every other day. Don't get me wrong nothing against coffee - I LOVE IT - got by on that and choccy - don't get me started on that - not just yet - when I was going through the D - there are 6 more letters that go with the D. My local coffee shop is divine, they always know what I want - probably helps that I am a soya coffee girl as well. Coffee and Moyles ahhh bliss - now find myself plugged in on phone catching the show after I leave the car on the way to work but must say the podcasts are very good. Wednesday is my favourite date of the week - yep not a Saturday or Sunday but Wednesday. Its there either side of the working week. Strong, sturdy, Wednesday. (it had better not let me down tomorrow)..... to be continued